Dream Interpretation For 3 Visions

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3 Visions and Blood In The Snow Prophecy- Dream Interpretation-Translation-Transcription -Prophecy

Adam's Comment: On March 5th, I felt a need to go back and look at the 3 visions that Brenda had. Plus, I had a vision myself about Caution Tape. So on March 6th I spent several hours in receival for her visions and did not even have time to post my Caution Tape Vision. Little did I know that they were going to be connected to a prophecy which came out in the newspaper the following day. Here are the sequence of events that lead up to the confirmation and prophecy.

Adam Posted: March 6, 2008 at 10:28 am

Hi everyone,
Thank you Brenda for making this post. I am answering it in this thread as it was in Chris' thread. It had the subject "Change".

Here is Brenda's post: March 3, 2008 at 2:39 am  Post subject: Change

Hello all,
I just wanted to let you know something that has occurred in my life since I have become a visionary.  The difference I notice most is that I am less selfish in relating to others. I've always considered myself a loving person, however I'm realizing that often I had related my anger and disappointment in a destructive way. God and the Angels, thanks to this forum, are teaching me to react in love, or not to react at all. It is becoming easier for me as time progresses and I listen to that "still small voice." I continue to grow and learn. I'm grateful and humbled.

Adam said: Brenda also had a series of visions back in February in the old forum. Here is the transcription for these visions which I received in my session with the angels this morning, and a little over a year later. March 06, 2008 

Brenda's Visions   February 23, 2007, 9:43pm

Brenda said:
A quick vision before sleep last night. I saw 2 blue birds perched together on a branch feeding seeds to each other and singing delightedly.

Another vision, I was awake and was thinking about two brothers. These brothers are acquaintances of my son and he spent the afternoon with them last Sunday.

As I was thinking, a vision came to me of blood splatters all over the ground. The ground was either snow or sand, I'm not sure which.

Transcription by Adam Kadmon posted March 6, 2008 at 10:28 a.m.

1. The answer to Brenda's post is coming for she has made a comment the angels really liked. Yes, Brenda has made changes and we have lots of reasons to give her an answer. She had a vision in the old forum which was in February of 2007.

2. In the vision these two birds were perched and they were feeding each other, singing beautifully. Here is the transcription for this vision. We saved it for Brenda, just for this post that she made here.

3. This show of love indoctrinates us as visionaries. These birds symbolize the food of life that God has given to all creatures. The song they sing represents the happiness they feel while practicing a spiritual life, for God planned a spiritual life for many of his creatures.

4. God knows many of his creatures have love in their heart. These birds who were perched in your vision come with a prophecy that God will communicate with people in this forum and we shall make progress as we move forward.

5. This is a beautiful testimony you made and we need something like this from the visionaries to show that there is some progress being made. We also know that a testimony is an example of how our visionaries are learning. When we see there is benefit from this whole process, we know that this process will benefit other visionaries. When we know that we are reversing evil within ourselves we can expect to help others.

6. So now lets reverse in Brenda's reasoning here. She had a reason for posting her testimony of love. It indicates she does not have any fear that her relationship with the angels in heaven isn't making progress as a visionary. And she is learning how to listen to this small voice inside of her which comes to her spiritually in her relationships. Therefore her relationships are getting better through this learning process and it is changing her life.

7. Brenda had another vision where she was thinking about two brothers that were acquaintances of her son. These brothers were a symbol of love in a family. They are also a symbol of friendship and they are connected to the relationship of your family. So this whole connection is existing in love and is a representation of spiritual growth.

8. So why did we use them in this vision? We never know how relationships of people we love will end up in life. But if we progress lovingly in each relationship, we will have a better chance to grow spiritually in each of them and when we need it, there will be some intervention from the angels in heaven.

9. So what is this small voice that Brenda is listening to? This is the voice that we will hear as a visionary in this religion. This is the voice that comes to us personally, as intervention from heaven, to help us in our confusion. It will come naturally in God's religion and when we learn to listen to it, it will change our life.

10. So this voice that you hear is something for you personally and it will also affect your actions in relationships. This voice will help you to control the evil that is all around you through your journey in life and you will feel how heaven is affecting you.

11. Brenda had another vision where there was blood splattered in the snow. It was hard for her to determine it was snow and this will be another prophecy here. The blood was something that was causing confusion and we will reverse in the meaning of it.

12. Somebody has suffered and blood is a physical vision of something that affects us in life. When this happens it is natural to have a reaction of fear. However, when blood is spattered in sand, it does not have the same effect. The reaction to it depends on how it is visually displayed in our confusion and we will explain how this is important for this religion.
13. When there is confusion, someone is usually suffering in their life, so we will try to help them with intervention from heaven. We do not want them to have fear because it will cause them more confusion.

14. When we try to deal with problems in life with spiritual intervention, we will always have spiritual growth in our relationships. As soon as evil is splattered into different pieces, it is more diluted in our soul and it will not coagulate and cause a scar on our soul. Therefore it will be miraculously healed from heaven.

Here are the articles that came out in the Toronto Sun on March 7, 2008. And this dream was also confirmed by a dream that Adam had called The Grass of Religion as he had a dream about caution tape at the same time as well.

Here is the second part of the article.


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All transcriptions by Ryan Reynolds are © copyrighted and they may be used in sermons and spiritual meetings. However, they may not be reproduced and distributed in any form without the written permission of Ryan Reynolds (The New Adam Kadmon). If used on websites you are required to make references in each transcript to the author and website  http://theangelscrolls.com

All these dreams are transcribed by R. Reynolds while he is in receival. They are written exactly as he hears them. Only minor alterations have been made to correct spelling mistakes and grammar. The dates, transcriptions and prophecies have not been altered to coincide with future events so you can trust in the confirmations in the articles provided. If you would like to have a dream transcribed or get involved and experience the dream transcriptions and prophecies personally, please contact adam@godwantsyoutolisten.com