Why Are the Recordings Important?

Why Are the Recordings and Videos Important? Are these recordings that capture the spiritual world?

The recordings and videos of the budgies are so important because they are the first scientifically documented communications that we are receiving from the spiritual world through a miraculous source. They show how their spiritual beliefs are very similar to ours and provide us with one of the purest and uncorrupted forms of a true connection to God. This connection was established by humans and animals in the beginning, and something that they maintained, and we forgot. They also teach us how to tap into this source again so we can use it as a doorway to spiritual knowledge and guidance for the future of humanity and every other living thing on Earth.

They also provide us with evidence of a higher intelligence in some animals that most do not believe possible. They give us the first documented study of the actual thoughts of a spiritual creature other than humans and provide evidence of a higher power at work.

Whether you call Victor and Maylor my spiritual guides, or mediums that relay messages from the metaphysical, they are truly remarkable in every form. Victor began his mission in 2000 to invoke my desire for spiritual knowledge. He did this by giving me prophecy and spiritual awareness. Maylor continued in 2010 by encouraging me to seek the truth in what was being passed on to me. Through them, we can open our minds and souls to the door that will provide us with the many wonders of God that are waiting to be discovered.

Why Are the Transcriptions Important?

Unlike the translations of the recordings from Victor and Maylor, the transcriptions are the key to understanding the spirituality of God. They provide divine lessons that we can use to guide us in the direction that God would like us to go to achieve the highest stage possible in our spiritual evolution. They provide prophecy and proof that God exists and can intervene in our life when we need him. They give us the truth about the big questions that scientists do not have the answers for and they connect the physical body to the eternal soul through a proven process that we all can witness.

If you need something in your life that you can rely on to help you spiritually evolve and you need to feel the presence of God in your life on a daily basis, these transcriptions will provide you with the spiritual quenching that you seek.

What is the Difference Between the Translations and Transcriptions?

The translations of the budgies are the first documentations of the most remarkable communication that have ever happened between man and animals. They are captioned and translated so most will be able to witness them. They provide evidence of a miraculous source at work and open our mind to a more developed process which is the transcriptions.

The transcriptions provide evidence of the connection I have developed through the budgies. They allow me to provide more detailed information with lengthy sessions that I have received during private consultations with the source. These transcriptions provide knowledge that can be confirmed later through prophetic messages. They consist of lessons from God and the angels and provide direction from God. They are typically accompanied by dreams and visions that originate from the metaphysical.

Here are some videos of Victor when he talks about the recordings and some of the issues that arise from them


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