Dream InterpretationThe Dart Target

Dream Interpretation The Dart Target

Posted by Adam on 13 Nov 2014

I was doing some kind of testing which I was being marked on. It was a practical test. One of the main things I was being marked on was an accuracy test with darts where I was given four darts. It consisted of standing on a balcony area and shooting a moving target. Someone went before me and did quite well hitting the target three times in a row. When it was my turn I went up and shot my darts, hitting the target three times and missing it once. I felt quite good about the outcome. One of the things I remember about the game was that I had to move back and forth with the moving object and fire over a rail as I shot the darts. I immediately received my score and noticed that there was 5 points awarded for the dart portion, but there were other areas that were marked as well, that I did not know. I knew I passed the test but felt that I needed more information about the rest of the test and how I did in the other areas.

Dream Transcription by Adam Kadmon 15 Nov 2014. Posted by Linda Marie 17 Nov 2014

  1. You have to make a decision with the fate of prophecy here. Now what is the fate of it when you forgot your mission?
  2. So in your history you have a unique connection to the bloodline of the prophets. Do you think the prophecy of Jesus Christ's return wasn't really for you and Linda in this religion?
  3. We know this prophecy is going to happen if you let it. What is the reason prophecy is given if it can't possibly happen?
  4. We know that you have reason to know prophets of history are part of a process with God and that prophecy is part of it.
  5. If the prophecy is correct then your lives are about to change. So why are we given a mission if it cannot really happen? You know God protects you.
  6. When you are protected by a religion that relies on spiritual a union with structure in Gods religion, then you will be forever driven to live in prophecy. This is not a simulation of an event that will never happen.  
  7. When you train for a mission there is a reason you are taught every angle of it. If God feels your actions have no reason, you will not be able to accomplish what He wants you to. So you have to live by the reasoning that God provides.
  8. The philosophy you have to win a dart game is one you should adhere to throughout your life. You practice alone to improve your accuracy. You try many ways to achieve the proper throw. You adopt the one that gives you the best results while playing. So if your accuracy is good you know that your throw is right. And when you are training for something that is eminent you will be ready for when it really happens.
  9. God is qualifying you in this dream here. You already know that prophecy is your target. While you qualify your target helps create this accuracy.
  10. When you are throwing on the same target it will surprise you when it moves erratically and too quickly, so you will have to learn to be ready for hitting only a portion of it and a reduction in accuracy.
  11. When you are still able spiritually to achieve something a majority of the time you will still have some spiritual evolution because you still are trying to succeed in your mission. Your responsibility lies with the option of failure for a small percentage of your goals.
  12. The reason a prophet has the responsibility of not achieving everything he sees in the future is a safeguard against those who would use his information for evil purposes. And only the prophet shall be aware of the prophecies that provide future confirmations.
  13. In this dream your accuracy was 100 for three darts that were thrown. When you threw this fourth one, you were not supposed to hit the target.
  14. In a dart game there is only 3 chances for each time you get up to qualify. And even though you knew you did not hit the target every time, you felt it was a very good score.
  15. When you received the evaluation, all these columns were blank and the number 5 was in line with the one you knew really counted. Even though no information was entered, you felt qualified to lead this religion. Even if the list you were given wasn't including your experience, it gave you faith that you were a person with all the right numbers.
  16. Now, your new instructions that should give you experience for the use of prophecy. You have some time to allow for these changes, but first you have to begin to accept you are not someone who depends on acceptance from others.
  17. You accept that the physical does not affect you, and if it does, it may cause you much confusion in your actions.
  18. Physical acceptance isn't your main problem because a new partner is coming to help you with what you need. And if you haven't protected your mission they will need to test your vision of prophecy.
  19. What do you need to protect your mission in religion? We want to be more receiving of them with a very prophetic procedure. When you find a mission with a vision of prophecy and miracles God will participate.
  20. We all need to experience a prophecy through a visionary of religion for it is unique. And we will see a prophecy coming with this dream transcription. We see a prophecy in the course of happening. It now exists in the waves of time.
  21. In a news event you will discover a victorious decision that will affect the region of the east side of America. It shall affect the region of Europe as well and you shall have a miracle.
  22. The reason there shall be a miracle is because it will be very positive for the future. You will find this happens in the week that will be connected to this dream through this religion.
  23. And this prophecy will be very good for the production of the economy. It will open up the people for a mission of peace and survival in three sections it participates in. While you are waiting for this miracle, God will teach you how prophecy connects to this religion. When this prophecy arrives you will positively find three of the four come true that we speak of here.
  24. You have an eruption of soldiers of evil with the philosophy that they have found a reason to circumvent a mission of democracy, and they shall have an interruption in what they are trying to do. This philosophy, it shall arise from the beginning of corruption that originally came from Russia. This will crush the ties of evil from them. Their future is not good. So what prophecy is missing?
  25. This prophecy cannot be protected without verifying it through this religion. A philosophy of great accuracy cannot be accomplished in every event until it projects a vision of a connection to God and His angels in heaven. And if there is prophecy that is connected through His religion it will evolve in accuracy. And once you have found a true prophet, you may join with them spiritually.
  26. And God is always trying to find a process where He can help change the world. If the people have reason to have some faith in what he is doing, he will find reason to have some faith in you by providing you with some ways to evolve spiritually.
  27. In this lesson with darts, your vision of this target was a vision of this prophecy which will make you qualify as a prophet who waits for something good for a reason.
  28. We are making a promise to you. These events will happen as predicted and you shall see them happen very soon.
  29. This lesson has come to a conclusion.  




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