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Prophecy of Jesus' Return Dream Transcription / Translation

Adam's comment: This is a partial prophecy in regards to the birth of our baby girl Kayla who was born on October 11, 2009. It is still unclear when Jesus is to be reborn. Perhaps we will find that out later through this religion.

Linda's Dream Posted January 12, 2008

At the beginning, there might have been a small animal that died or something. I'm not sure. Adam and I drove into a small town and we went into a hospital and into a store there. I guess it was the gift store in the hospital. There was an older couple there that owned the store. We went into the gift store for something. This lady seemed to know I had a background in homecare. She wanted me to help her order medication for herself. We went over to his other area in the hospital where there was a pay phone, but there were people on it so we couldn't order the medication right away.

giftshopAnother part we went out into the street, and there was a parade going on. There were people lined up in the street. Adam and I were in our vehicle and we might've even been in the parade. I remember going down the street and all these people were lined up on the street. I don't remember what was going on with the parade or why, but we ended up back in this parking lot at the end. We were trying not to get crammed in behind people so we could leave when we were ready. We went back into the hospital and I was leaving a newspaper at the door of these people, and now it's more like an apartment building. One of the articles in the paper was highlighted. I know I had left this paper there more than once, maybe I was worried they didn't get it the first time. So this time, this lady came out and saw me there. She was still asking me to order this medication for her.


Transcribed by Adam Kadmon and posted February 14, 2009 at 11:22 a.m.

1. Now let's talk about the miracle that you are having with the pregnancy of Linda. There is something that is happening with her and it is a miracle from this religion. Linda kept a table of when she ovulated and that same type of table will confirm Jesus' conception.

2. There will be a lot of documentation that will show Jesus is evolving very unexpectedly. He will be an exception with everything that He does. We shall now translate a dream that Linda had. When you have the intervention of God's religion it will evolve with a feeling of more confidence. You see how each of the prophecies begin to happen.

3. There was this animal that had died and this dream was a symbol of giving a gift after something bad has happened. It will make someone feel a little bit better and it shall help to reverse this evil in a very personal way.

4. Since your mom visited you she has been consumed with evil thoughts about you and it has affected her health too. The gift that you have sent will let her know that you have forgiven her as your mom has forgiven you. Forgiveness is a natural medication for a sickness and she will begin her recovery.

5. God forgives our confusion when we are sick spiritually. If we have evil festering in our soul, it will affect our health and cause us problems. In Linda's dream she went to a store that was located in a hospital and the stores were there for a good reason.

6. There is usually a store and gift shop at the hospital for they know that the gifts they sell help the people get better.

7. Why is this process so important? Some people do not know that the reason for giving a gift is to help the person recover much faster and it is a way to show that they are missed and needed. The symbol of this animal represents something that is very small that could make someone sick. Death has prevented this animal from evolving any more spiritually in this lifetime.

8. She knew this animal has spiritually evolved to a point where it had a loving relationship with someone who missed it very much. And the love that this person is missing was replaced with evil emotions. Emotions that do not exist in love such as confusion and more suffering will breed evil. When God sees people suffering, He will try His best to help them. This intervention from God is a reversal of evil which causes a miracle.

9. Reversing evil is an action that will prevent evil from evolving and will help us grow spiritually. The store was owned by a couple who was older. The lady seemed to know that Linda had a background in homecare and the lady wanted Linda to help her with ordering her medication. This is a symbol of someone who needs the experience of another to help them get the medicine they need.

10. When we are spiritually sick, we should seek help from someone who has experience in dispensing the medicine. When we have experience giving someone medicine, we know it will help them more if they take it when they need it. We know it will not help them if they do not take what the doctor ordered and Linda was symbolized as her doctor.

11. Linda's experience was something that this person respected and trusted. And even though this lady was involved in helping others in the hospital to get well quickly, she needed a different kind of medicine. Linda and this lady went to order it at a phone that was occupied. This is a symbol of how important it was for her to fill this order quickly.

12. When we are sick spiritually, we should get the right cure very quickly, for if we don't it will allow this evil to evolve in our life and soul. So what was the right cure that she needed? In the dream Linda and Adam went to a parade. They knew this parade would allow them some spiritual growth together. There were many people who were enjoying the parade as well.

13. They parked their vehicle of religion close to the exit because they had to return to the hospital and help this lady with her spiritual medicine. When Linda and Adam were involved in this big parade they received some information that they wanted to bring to this lady in a newspaper article. And it was a symbol of a confirmation that this person needed to help them learn spiritually.

14. This confirmation was telling her that God could help her if she listened to Him. So this article was the medicine that she needed to reverse the evil that was affecting her spiritually. This lady was asking Linda about her medicine and it was given to her a second time. This is a symbol of how God will never stop giving us our spiritual medicine even if we don't take it.

15. He will always try and return and give it to us in a different form of confirmation. He will continually teach us spiritually until we learn, for that is the process of life. And this is why Jesus will return, for there are many things that He needs to teach the people about His religion for He has a right to teach the people who want to learn.

16. He has a spiritual obligation to educate God's people through His religion for it is one of the largest ones in the world and it can influence the future of humanity. Jesus isn't coming because the world is going to end. He returns so He can change all of our future and help you live a happy spiritual life, free of pain and suffering. He will also reverse the religious evil that is in the world not only in other religions but His as well.

17. God has already started the process that will help Him to achieve His goal through this religion as the bloodline of Jesus Christ is a part of this religion. And there is a legion of angels helping Him from heaven.

18. Remember Linda was pregnant a few months ago and she had a miscarriage. She is now pregnant a second time and she feels she is much stronger. We know Adam has lots of changes to make in his life but God has faith they will come. So Jesus will find a reason to return to the bloodline he is spiritually connected to. He will prevent the coming of Armageddon through the reversal of evil in many religions all over the world.

19. There will be a religious journal of the life of Jesus from the time He is born until He becomes a man. There will be many miracles along the way. There are many reasons God wants this journal. He wants no confusion about the life of Jesus with regards to where He came from and how He lived His life when He was younger. God wants to ensure He has a spiritual education straight from heaven and He wants him to learn at an early age that God is with Him. His parents will ensure that He has a normal childhood with the exception that He will know God will be walking with Him when He has problems.

20. Jesus' soul has already evolved enough spiritually to make it to heaven, and He will not change that status during this lifetime. We know it will be a challenge for God to protect Jesus from evil but there are some systems in place already to ensure His safety. And there are always Gods miracles to show the world that it is really happening. God would not let the same thing happen to Jesus that happened to Him when He came the last time.

21. There will be many people who will know that Jesus is returning soon and they will ensure Jesus is integrated into a normal life. The reason we want Jesus to have a normal childhood is so that He will learn and have normal relationships just like anyone else, but the difference will be evident in the miracles that happen whenever He is around.

22. There will be many people who know that He has a special gift from God and you should not have confusion or any fear about Him.


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All transcriptions by Ryan Reynolds are © copyrighted and they may be used in sermons and spiritual meetings. However, they may not be reproduced and distributed in any form without the written permission of Ryan Reynolds (The New Adam Kadmon). If used on websites you are required to make references in each transcript to the author and website

All these dreams are transcribed by R. Reynolds while he is in receival. They are written exactly as he hears them. Only minor alterations have been made to correct spelling mistakes and grammar. The dates, transcriptions and prophecies have not been altered to coincide with future events so you can trust in the confirmations in the articles provided. If you would like to have a dream transcribed or get involved and experience the dream transcriptions and prophecies personally, please contact