All I Want For Christmas


Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas (Reversed)



Text For Reversal:

Does Ryan have to sing it with his voice for God in Heaven? Heaven wants this to be a miracle in a religion made for God. Heaven won't invoke a lot of miracles if the events are being forgot. And all of you survive on this intervention and love of us. With love, evolution will always be a miracle. This intervention will need humans to evoke it for God. Evolution moves to free which gives man access with spirits through heroes to remember who will still sing as their songs are asking for this miracle in you. What's measured with devote people shall evolve. You can really count on this intervention. With love of our world, every one of you can call on God for this intervention. If not, everyone that isn't will still experience this as fantasy. See these little sparrows singing and more. They all shall sing, as these birds are magical. They also believe God will care for them. When all see a drought, their miracle is intervention from belief of God. Heaven will enlist and rise up with intervention with the love in your world.





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