Presentation 9b- Short Version
Presentation 9- The Bloodline
Here's the words to what Danny said:
Part 1
(for) You might just say to the media, “Whatcha gonna do if heaven will control you
(rev) while you report? Do you have any intentions of fighting evil?” You’ve got to say to them,
(Ryan) “surely, is it not my right if my life can still evolve through religion.”
Part 2
(for) In spirit, Ryan will know a portion of the main ones that will be coming out with messages in a spiritual way.
(rev) Eventually, they’ll trust and believe that Ryan will seek all the answers. Most will get shown
Part 3
(for) it’s their right to find enjoyment. These people here will get to cooperate with Ryan,
(rev) as long as he can know that they really help and he must know they’re trusting.
Part 4
(for) Everyone will have to pay attention. Once you know a real miracle, you’ll never forget.
(rev) Some of you will give hope and prayers and questions about life that come to them.
Part 5
(for) We’ll use the questions that we’re getting, and they’ll enlighten you. There mustn’t be any fear that we change morals.
(rev) There are questions for a change of religions, and there will be many who’s changes are real.
Part 6
(for) Hopefully, they won’t forget that, whenever you can, it’s time for you to live your dream,
(rev) when you have unlimited passion. At this point you will have miracles helping.
Part 7
(for) It’s time that many budgies come for this work. The captions teach in spirit from God.
(rev) I have to tell you, it’s really your choice. Then, you can change for a reason.
Part 8
(for) And through the ring of time, it’s welcomed as we get more on the next project. The truth is,
(rev) in time, this will involve all of them who are helping you. You’ll see and realize, the miracle now you are living. Ryan’s guardians can
Part 9
(for)know when to inform you that our soul visits everywhere, to see what’s going on. If you’ll attempt to learn, there’s a chance we will be present.
(rev) You be able to spiritually know when we are speaking to you. If passion releases divine miracles, you notice they’re followed by actions
Part 10
(for) that make the prophecy happen. Make a process to get to heaven. Thank little Victor for telling Ryan he was receiving knowledge on a spiritual plateau.
(rev) You could help him to enlighten everyone who has a problem, just by trusting him. And definitely, if you trust me, then you got to let me know.
Part 11
(for) We’re glad, what we have viewed, we can explain. Connected to him and the Christian Bible,
(rev) we know Christians will be helping. Trust what you have here with them, and many will console you.
Part 12
(for) What they think, and currently have, could be all wrong. We’ll give advice with encouragement for what they choose to do here and all over the world.
(rev) And if you have problems, we may reverse it all through this religion, instead of us continually fighting this evil.
Part 13
(for) There’s many, we see are good friends of yours that aren’t up to this, but showed support in what you do.
(rev) We know you can help yourself. Ryan will know he’s driving you right to heaven.
Part 14
(for) You’ll have to look at everything. Just by account, we’re giving more faith in new people that fear they are looking at a dream that’s barely survivable.
(rev) That knowledge that we relay to Ryan, will be free. The lessons he made with passion, exist up in heaven with prophecy.
Part 15
(for) Often, we can get a talking budgie to connect to all we’re doing. We help them to connect with real conviction that they know is chose by our God
(rev) and backed by God’s truth. No one’s had this mission for years. Teaching a process where you attend a convention with a prophet. The angels have his help
Part 16
(for) and we’ll be looking for budgies who talk and connect the bloodline Adam Kadmon to help the world.
(rev) They have a prophecy in the Kabbalah of something spiritual and the budgies say is believable.
Part 17
(for) Whatever’s in your bloodline lives, and gives you a spiritual connection to God.
(rev) And you’ll hear of people seeking this when Ryan has briefings from heaven.
Part 18
(for) And this blood can be acting for the force of nature.
(rev) We’re getting close to a time when heaven helps
Part 19
(for) the world. We have shown you Ryan as he was talking. When he communicates, those around him find a spiritual connection in reverse.
(rev) Let us tell you, we define a real religion has we angels communicating from heaven. Most of you coming,
Part 20
(for) follow the miracles when Ryan posts a clear reversal. The recordings you’re experiencing can live when you got some approval.
(rev) Ryan, we’ll have you eventually, a real reunion with all the budgies that love you, and you will feel normal.
Part 21
(for) We’d like you to see how angels are providing proof, and for the first time, lessons, and heaven is certainly communicating. It cannot be a type of fantasy.
(rev) This is real. Can you feel Ryan’s confusion when no one looks up to heaven? At night, with passion boiling in confusion, Ryan’s not sleeping. If you all knew we offer you a beautiful trip always in heaven, would you truly return for the assignment? It’s usually better for the soul as well. There’s some commotion when everyone knows the trip has now been verified. With Ryan’s help you will get to know it’s waiting for you.
Part 22
(for) We all had a chance to elect questions, which will be here and work for Ryan.
(rev) Do you have the time to try and believe in a solution to humanities questions? You will find
Part 23
(for) obviously, your God will be there during the work. With the right passion, you’ll have a chance where many of your points could be a lesson we need to break the evil
(rev) evolving. If you now believe and listen, others will believe in your passion. Ray, we spoke to you, I know. We can help you to find your heaven. Now you know,
Part 24
(for) we deploy the time made by word of God. Help this man be a part of our light spiritually, near your heaven.
(rev) See the light that glows with pure love from a valid source of God that will allow an indication of your mission.
Part 25
(for) Most of the time, the many who work in heaven cherish what we’re doing. Don’t expect it’ll possibly be over. Right now, there’s nothing else that pleases God more. (Danny laughs joyfully. Ha, ha) When you need a break, you have it.
(rev) You might be fearing some evil that is a part of confusion that is present while you have the truth. Don’t worry, we’ll be helping you. So you will have to mention to Ryan, you did have some questions.
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