Presentation 8b- Short Version
Presentation 8- The Super Conscious Bird Part 3
In this third and last part of this video, Victor brings it all together and says that on this journey they (the angels) will be escorting Earth to a new beginning, and during that time they will speak the truth. They talk about releasing a new religion that works for our time. And finally, he lets people know that if they care, they should be part of it and that if you do they will regain real spirituality.
Part 1
(for) Someday you'll get your tall big seat
(rev) and you'll see everywhere, (Ryan) and time is really special. This is done easily, and most have real passion.
Part 2
(for) With God, we wait by the sun. Ha, ha. Climb into our ship with a view that seeks with spirit.
(rev) In it, you shall see what Ryan saw; a special view that seemed impossible. You will follow some spirituality in everything.
Part 3
(for) A lot we do during your induction process here,
(rev) fearlessly is a quest to identify what we know is here also.
Part 4
(for) We’ll cross through legendary evil on a course that’s very difficult.
(rev) Can you reach into this beautiful process here with some help?
Part 5
(for) What we’re hearing is every soul that’s requesting this recording in time.
(rev) Now that you know what’s here, we shall begin.
Part 6
(for) You’ll find this interlink is sitting here
(rev) We know it sure can be an inset of life.
Part 7
(for) As we think and talk, tis special, and a free part in us. It’s a part of the possible.
(rev) Fuzzy, who flew away, is a soul that endeared a relationship with Ryan. He knew that
Part 8
(for) God had chose this bird person in his world.
(rev) Passionately, his heart chose to look for him.
Part 9
(for) He knew he missed him and was lured away toward a storm and captured by a boy.
(rev) In our view, if you have been lost, you will need love from heaven, (Ryan) and we’re close. We also agree,
Part 10
(for) it’s important to inform you, God is good to people who are still looking.
(rev) You will emotionally be able to know when you learn the truth.
Part 11
(for) This grand seat has its goal. It’s to take you forward. We think we can get your
(rev) heart right, on a better course in life. We’d love to
Part 12
(for) find all of you
(rev) sublime trust in Him.
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