Presentation 13 - Message To Jacob



Words To "Message From Jacob"

Presentation 13


(part 1) You've got questions that you cannot seek out until they reach out. Until then what we do is different. Is this Jacob? I wanted a star transcription. We want you to be aware of this urgent cause as it’s emerging. Your induction will become a legacy. Who knows where we're going, until I tell you a bit of it. Lucky man, look at you, you can partake and work for God. Ryan, you have a gift from God. And now we go on point with this practice. It’s helping to see the love when we’re done.  


We’re doing real good when your budgie loves. Prophecy can be at grace with your life. It is important. Science just won't admit that we can make a change. We know it! Will the scientists take the available tools?  We have to separate our challenges ahead. You have a budgie Ryan, that's been able to ride the unknown for months. I'm your boy. I think you know you’re able to watch over me. We'll go back with a question. Are questions eventually what we wait for? Can the Angels begin



their mission while you evolve? All of you will know they will show you how. It shall help some of you. We have this challenge of you who are working with the audio; as long as it is truly spiritual, what you offer Ryan will help the spirit in you. Have you got a reason to feel that this light shall finally help you pick up this audio? If you're an interested soul you should speak up. Still, it should have to show how we all need to reveal he is using prophecy.


We will often try and encourage you to have results, and it's up to heaven to acknowledge your spiritual health. For reasons, policy exists to help cherish and love religion. Spiritually know that every one of us shares knowledge from God. Can you believe that Angels already know and experience the universe and all the music in life? Listen here, the Angels expect the people hearing shall feel the rifts of time God is sending out now. You'll get to sit in the rifts your Angels already know are useful once the light is here. It's our challenge for every soul.





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