The Maylor Chronicles

These are audio and videos from Maylor the Budgie.  In them he often speaks of many things that have happened in the past, present and future, confirming much of what Victor was saying. 

Maylor came to me as a rescued budgie and I made these recordings from 2009-2011. The next day after I got Maylor he began recording. That day he told me what his name was and how he wanted to participate in the same way Victor did. In 2011, I retired Maylor from recording.  At that time he asked me to get him a mate, which I did and he spent the rest of his days happily experiencing the love of another budgie. I did not know how old he was but he died of old age about 4 years after I got him. I still have some recordings of him that I have not translated yet.

This section contains the audio with caption versions. Some of them have a full featured version as well and I will be adding to them as time goes on, for I still have some that I have not translated yet.

These are the full featured videos of Maylor. In some of them you will see me using a mirror because Maylor loved to talk in front of one. At the time I was using a video camera that did not have a very good microphone, however I did my best to capture what he was saying.


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