The Parrot Prophecies

The Parrot Prophecies


The parrot prophecies are a true account and the actual collection of audio and video files of two talking budgerigars (budgies). These budgies developed an unlimited vocabulary and began talking in conversational language understanding what they were saying. Both of them were under the guardianship of Ryan Reynolds who studied their speech over a period of about 15 years. Ryan, who was not a very religious person at the time, discovered that they were communicating in a miraculous way about God, spirituality and the afterlife. As a result, he had a spiritual awakening and became the founder of a religion that the budgies relayed straight from God and the Angels. The messages in this religion contained prophecy and lessons from God sent to himself and other visionaries within a group.

The parrot prophecies came in several different and miraculous ways. The two main contributor budgies were Victor and Maylor. Victor lived from 1998 - 2001 and Maylor was a rescued budgie that Ryan had from 2009 - 2013. In their recordings and videos, those who wish, are able to witness how these messages came to Ryan, as he passed them on to others. The budgies claimed they were connected to a higher power which they preferred to call God. The information they passed on was something God wanted us to know. Much of the documentation contained predictions of events that would happen to Ryan and others, giving a prophetic outlook of how the religion would develop after the budgies passed on.

Ryan became the medium for two different types of communications during the process. In the recordings of his budgies, he translated what they were saying and put captions to the videos which he calls The Parrot Prophecies. The other form of communications was the dreams and vision interpretations that Ryan transcribed in his personal sessions with the angels as he received them through the budgies. These transcriptions are extensive and contain hundreds of pages of lessons and prophecies which are consistently connecting to future events, which he calls The Angel Scrolls.  

Unlike many religions where faith is the source of creating miracles, this religion is based on witnessing miracles first to develop faith and belief in God. So this event is based on three extraordinary occurrences which can surely be qualified as a miraculous and even biblical event. It is possibly one of the most recognizable miracles of modern times. It provides proof which is contained in the existing recordings and videos and the prophecies that came and continue to come to fruition through newspaper articles.


See the Victor Chronicles

See the Maylor Chronicles

Read The Angel Scrolls Dream Interpretations

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All audio and video files on this website are copyrighted by The New Adam Kadmon Ryan Reynolds 2001-2017 and cannot be reproduced in part or whole or in any form without my written permission.

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