Presentation 10b - (short version)

Presentation 10b- Traversing Time



#10B – Traversing Time by Danny the Budgie

Part 1

(for) You will miss me.

(rev) Usually, it’s normal to fine all the criminals that hurt the animals. So why do they let it occur every day? A hero

Part 2

(for) will be helping many. (Ryan talks again) Sure. Some prophecy requires some kind of principle act. So you will get a path that shows

(rev) results. You have to find a way to increase the passion, so you can’t have some confusion. And then they must know the wind rushes in that direction.

Part 3

(for) While you’re looking,

(rev) see everything. You’ll lose your fear as you remain with love. If your love lives with God, He is here now.

Part 4

(for) What we have here is actually one of our talents. You entirely should believe that Ryan will challenge what most of you feel in the past is conventionally normal. You’ll count on growth once you get knowledge.

(rev) Some of the people who know that there’s suffering are working with God. We’re on the brink of some intervention that can really reverse it. We have chosen to now offer our talents. You might try to help.

Part 5

(for) Evidence will be the theme we are giving to him. It’s a Bible that we can pass to Earth. We are angels who are working with God to offer our help. There are so many who are prepared now to give their help.

(rev) It’s possible to stop suffering when we have found solutions for human spiritual evolution. While we traverse time, we offer you a vision. We are pleased to adorn you with religion from heaven.

Part 6

(for) This whole time we’d like to cooperate and pass on our knowledge.

(rev) You have lessons Ryan Reynolds. Many of these lessons


(for) merits your help. These angels will mean God’s simply here defending our Earth. It’s very clear that it could use some help. So I ain’t kidding, there’s a lot that you can learn. The day is coming for us

(rev) to give knowledge for this growing race. And you’ll see when we give you some prophecy. God thinks you deserve seasoned healing. During this time you would usually need apostles for this event

Part 8

(for) that speak and are inspired by God. We cannot sit still if we can save your day. When angels

(rev) communicate, you will hear the angels free these lessons of your God, for your plight here.

Part 9

(for) Ryan talks.

(rev) of what Ryan says:  For if you want, you can always know the truth, for we all search in every way.

Part 10

(for)(Ryan talks again) Yes, God’s finally for more intervention.

(rev) We need a spiritual forum where we help our souls. Ryan: And then with God we’ll see how modern prophecy helps us to know

Part 11

(for) when you get confusion. Yes, the future is changing. Be spiritual! Be spiritual! Be spiritual! Your God can give you that miracle. With a spiritual change in you, He can give you some spiritual evolution intervention. I’d like you to evolve in hearing

(rev) and hear a promise from heaven. We feel when nature is known to stop life, we better seek solutions. Eternity, eternity, eternity, eternity, eternity! We are eternally, infinitely, changing. We’re all here to surely do our part now. In this house, every friend now we’ll receive.



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